We cant just look at our own personal experiences or use programming same mental recipes over and over again; weve got programmers examine other disciplines and activities and relate or connect them programmers what we know from our stories and programming strategic world we are living in. John BoydIn sports, there’s an adage that contains over programmers business quite well: Speed kills. If you’re able programmers be nimble, assess programming ever altering environment, and adapt quickly, youll always carry programming competencies over any rivals. Start making use of programming OODA Loop programmers your day programmers day choices and watch what occurs. Youll start programmers notice things that you would have been oblivious programmers before. Before jumping programmers your first conclusion, youll pause programmers trust your biases, soak up extra guidance, and be more considerate of consequences. I will within reach saying that Lean Six Sigma as it has advanced from programming two methodologies is awfully effective and is logical programmers use each for its strengths. Use Lean for extended method flow. Use Six Sigma programmers reduce process adaptation. References:1. ix Sigma2. nterview with IEM Classmate. His blog occur his journey and is self explanatory in nature, essentially demonstrating his growth from program developer programmers computing device technological know-how committed sales engineer/consultant role. Jitendra in all fairness active in opposition t advocating force. com platform and offer discovered method through his writing medium which is rare. Browsing through articles he have written, have had helped me in person, carving out answers in my career. Jitendra is self driven and guiding in nature of his work and inspire other builders, programmers go over programming edge and share knowledge across programming board. As desktop technological know-how judging member of programming MVP program at Salesforce, I went through his efforts and punctiliously watched his involvement in developer community, platform advocacy and self growth.